Pao is a groundbreaking mobile application designed to empower individuals to find and experience hidden gems in Denver.

As a Digital Marketing Specialist, I composed engaging short-term media to attract users to client social media pages to organically increase engagement. I created and prepared monthly onsite shot lists which included research for content concepts, sounds, and trends to keep up with current best practices and industry trends. I always make sure to enhance and strengthen brand awareness for clients on Instagram and TikTok with a consistent posting schedule. I tracked and analyzed the performance of content using Instagram and TikTok Insights, and created analytic reports to present to clients.

Highlights and Accomplishments:

  • Clients included: Adrift, Verse Immersive, Chicken Jacks, Jalan Facial Spa

  • Filmed, edited, and produced 84 short-term media for 3-4 clients

  • Created 8 monthly content calendars

Examples of Work:

Verse (37.6K views)

Jalan Facial Spa (11.3K views)

Chicken Jacks (11.2K views)

Adrift (9.1K views)


303 Magazine

